Cyber Security VAPT in Andhra Pradesh

Cyber Security VAPT in Andhra Pradesh

At Salient Cyber sol Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing (VAPT) offer wide-ranging Cyber Security services in Andhra Pradesh to perform security audit and provide recommendation for security disruption, monitor security for risk analysis, forensics and penetration testing. VAPT Service is two different Security Services one is Vulnerability Assessment  & Penetration Testing. These two services have their own area for securing your network & application.

Cyber attacks are increasing day by day with the increased use of mobile and Web applications. The data losses due to these two types. Either the data is confidential to the organization or it is an individual. Salient Cyber Sol has a team of expert penetration testing at the ready to help test your systems. We provide solutions for companies new to testing, or for organizations with the combination of automated tools elite attackers and mature vulnerability management programs.

We help our clients with VAPT services in Andhra Pradesh, identify points of failure in their existing technology and process. And uncover critical exploitable vulnerabilities and provide detailed guidance leaving you better protected and less vulnerable to attack. Our approach to VAPT provides a thorough, quality service whilst allowing the flexibility necessary to test a wide range of IT systems.


Our Cyber Security VAPT in Andhra Pradesh helps to reduce risks:

  • Identifies technical vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers.
  • Assesses ability to withstand common attacks.
  • Obtain coverage of systems and issues that automated tools are unable to identify.
  • Evaluate the client detection and response capabilities when security events occur.
  • Benefits from VAPT

Cyber Security VAPT to provide clear recommendations for vulnerability mitigation that is both straightforward to implement and tailored to the required functionality of the system under test to help our clients ensure that their IT systems are not the weakest in their security infrastructure.

  • Find out the weakness in your technologies, processes and people
  • Rectify vulnerabilities and minimize the attack surface
  • Reduce risk and meet compliance requirements.