Cyber Security PEN TEST

Cyber Security PEN TEST

Penetration testing (PEN TEST) or ethical hacking is the practice of testing a computer system, network or web application to find security vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. This Cyber Security PEN TEST can be automated with software applications or manually performed.  In this pen testing process involves gathering information about the target before the test, identifying possible entry, attempting to break in for real and reporting back the findings.

At Salient Cyber sol, the Cyber Security PEN TEST main objective is identity security weakness.  And check the organization’s ability to identify and respond to security incidents. Through Pen Testing is aggregated and provided to the organization’s IT and network system managers, enabling them to make strategic decisions.

How often you should perform penetration testing

Organizations should perform PEN TESTING regularly, ideally, once a year to ensure more consistent network security and IT management. In addition to conducting regulatory and assessments, penetration tests may also be run whenever an organization add to a new network infrastructure or applications. Whenever makes significant upgrades or modifications to its applications or infrastructure. Whenever modifies end-user policies.

Penetration testing tools:

Cyber Security Pen testers often use automated tools to uncover standard application vulnerabilities. Penetration tools scan code in order to identity code in applications that could result in a security breach.  Pen Testing tools examine data encryption techniques and can identify hard-coded values, to verify security vulnerabilities in the system.

Penetration testing tools should:

  • Be easy to deploy configure and use.
  • Scan a system easily.
  • Categorize vulnerabilities based on severity.
  • Generate detailed vulnerability reports and logs.